Material Safety Data Sheet
Material Safety data sheet: It refers to a document containing detailed information on the characteristics of hazardous substances and mixtures and safety measures to be taken in accordance with the characteristics of hazardous substances in the workplace with the purpose of protecting human health and environment against UNDESIRABLEe effects of hazardous substances and mixtures.
MSDS is prepared in order to provide effective control and supervision against UNDESIRABLEe effects that may be caused by hazardous substances and mixtures, which are introduced to the market, on human health and the environment.
MSDS Preparation Service
Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) has a great importance in the chemical industry. We prepare your MSDSs (Material Safety Data Sheet) both in Turkish and/or English for all your products that you produce or import, or we translate your MSDSs into Turkish for the products that you import.
We are at your service in order to provide you with all kinds of technical support related to the subject, meeting the needs of your company and filling the gaps in other related issues.
Who can prepare MSDS preparation is a process that requires technical knowledge and of which the legal requirements are very detailed. Thus, only certified trained specialists can prepare Safety Data sheets.
Our specialists are certificated by TURKAK according to the latest regulation and accredited by TSE.
Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) should be under continuous supervision and control of the people or institutions that prepare them. While the companies get their MSDSs prepared for the product, they should seek assistance from people with high knowledge and experience and are expert in their subject.
Legal Process
The hazard classification of hazardous substances and mixtures changed with the “Regulation on Classification, Labelling and Packaging of Substances and Mixtures (SEA)” No. 28848 that was published and entered into force with the aim of complying with the EU CLP regulation on 11 December 2013. One of the regulations, which needed to be complied with according to the principles of this regulation, and the most important was the MSDS regulation. For this purpose, a new regulation was published by the Ministry of Environment and Urbanism in the Official Gazette No. 29204 on 13 December 2014.
Pursuant to Article 11 of the “Regulation on Safety Data Sheets for Hazardous Substances and Mixtures” published in the Official Gazette No. 29204 dated 13 December 2014, the “Regulation on Preparation and Distribution of Safety Data Sheets for Hazardous Substances and Preparations” published in the Official Gazette No. 27092 and dated 26 December 2008 shall be abolished completely on 01 June 2016.
Therefore, all MSDSs prepared in accordance with the
“Regulation on Preparation and Distribution of Safety Data Sheets for
Hazardous Substances and Preparations” must be updated in order to be in
compliance with the “Regulation on Safety Data Sheets for Hazardous
Substances and Mixtures” by 01 June 2016.
With the new regulation it appears that the preparation of
the MSDS is now completely left to the experts of the subject.
As PIM CONSULTANCY, we will continue to present our
experience to the service of manufacturers and suppliers with this new
regulation as well.